Thursday, July 05, 2012

a traveling edge, if you will

Just read this ....

and when you're looking for an edge, this may come in handy in tipping your thoughts one side or another

mid-way down the article, it states....

"Based upon games played over the past 15 seasons, teams seem to play better on the road and win more frequently against nearby opponents than they do against faraway ones:"

Travel Distance, One-Way Winning Percentage, Road Teams

2000+ miles 39.8%

1,000-1,999 miles 40.3%

0-999 miles 43.0%

It does seems seem useful, you could even look at it as home teams have a 60.2% winning percentage vs teams that travel 2000+ miles. Of course you do remember among the losers of last year for this trend was none other than NYG when they hosted SEA. And I believe I had SEA....

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